Sunday, January 12, 2014

Mongol Trial Day 5 (1/11/14)

Today in class...just kidding, there wasn't class!...

Anyways, thankfully, my aunt was able to get back to me with some important suggestions.  I am currently revising my opening statement as per her comments as well as my own thoughts.  I have realized that in order for my opening statement to be as effective as possible, there must be no room for error, no holes which my opponents can exploit and use to rip my team's argument to shreds.

Just when I thought my opening statement was perfect, I realized that much of my argument consisted of strong statements; however, there was not enough supporting evidence to back up my claims.  I am now going through my textbook and movie notes once again to find the evidence that sticks out like a sore thumb and can augment my argument.  I feel as though it would be somewhat beneficial to connect some of the repercussions of today's crimes to how the Mongols should be punished.  I could also use parallel structure to compare the crimes of the Mongols to crimes committed today.  This would allow listeners to understand how bad the crimes the Mongols committed actually are.  Putting a part of my opening statement in the second person format would allow the listener to feel as though he or she were actually suffering the consequences of Mongolian crimes...

I plan on reciting my opening statement in front of a mirror until I an 100% confident in myself.

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