Monday, April 14, 2014

Map of Global Hegemony

When  creating this map, several aspects of the locations of imperialism areas were outstanding.  Here is a list of those aspects I found somewhat interesting:

1. Russia by far has the largest land mass; however, Russia has no other states within it.  In fact, most of the other colored in countries and territories could probably fit within the single state of Russia.

2. England seemed to consist of the most widespread areas of land it controlled as colonies.  Every one of its controlled territories was specific in the goods it exported and produced, so Britain must have profited from its colonies.  It is hard to believe that England acquired so much power after only winning the 7 Years' War.

3. I noticed that the Spanish tereitories, especially in Africa, we're very limited despite the greatness of the Spanish state.  Why were they able to colonize and get such a head start in the Americas while obtain almost no land in Africa? (Especially because they are located so close to Africa).

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