Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Podcast 123

3 Things I learned, which I previously had NO IDEA about...
  1. The Aztecs migrated to Mesoamerica and established the largest and arguably most ruthless pre-Spanish Empire in the Americas throughout the course of 200 years.  This is an immensely short period of time for an empire to become established, particularly because it should, in aspect take awhile to become accustomed to a new area after a migration from a foreign area.  
  2. The name "Aztec" comes from the word "Aztlan," referring to the mythical place of their origin.  The name they would have used to refer to themselves is "Meshiko," (sp?) which gives us the modern name "Mexico".  
  3. Public sacrifices were done to please the gods, especially blood-letting rituals.  However, these were often means of public ostentation.  This is especially surprising, because one would not think that religion and public humiliation would work hand-in-hand with each other and be associated via the same actions.  
2 Things I found Interesting
  1. The pyramids erected by the Egyptians during the Old Kingdom are strikingly similar to the pyramids built by the Aztecs.  This as well as the genetic evidence that compares the DNA of Egyptians and Mesoamericans shows that peoples from Eastern Asia may have migrated to Egypt and later to Mesoamerica, passing through the Bering land bridge. 
  2. Though the Aztecs were highly specialized in many areas, including metalworking of copper, gold, and silver created a calendar, and were highly intelligent, they are considered to be stone-age people.  This is probably due to the technology they lacked.  They couldn't create metal weapons, and they did not use animals.  This limited their mobility and what they could carry, preventing them from being able to be classified as nomads.
1 Thing I would ask the Aztecs
  1. What was the most difficult part of your existence?  Was foraging for food, resisting disease, or forming and maintaining a social hierarchal the most difficult part of your civilization?  Why was this so difficult?  What did you attempt to do to ease these problems.

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