Monday, October 7, 2013

"Does Alexander the Great deserve to be called 'the Great'?

            I believe that Alexander the Great deserves to be called ‘The Great’ for many reasons, even though there are multiple reasons that suggest otherwise.  In my personal opinion, the trait that made him so great was his military skills and techniques.  For example, his military shrewdness allowed him to defeat the Persian army.  Greatly outnumbered and surrounded by Darius and his troops, Alexander’s troops were told to stand their ground and defended themselves.  His troops held off the Persians long enough for him to make an attack on a single opening in Darius’s line of defense.  Another military skill that Alexander possessed that attributes to his greatness was his general overall knowledge, not only of his empire, but also of those that surrounded his empire.  Alexander knew which fords were fordable by the army carrying heavy equipment, which rivers were navigable, where camping grounds were, and where good drinking water could be found.  Another trait that contributed to his greatness was his tenacity and spirit.  During times of low spirit, such as their crossing the deserts of Bactria and the Hindu Kush Mountains, Alexander cheered up his troops by running up and down the lines, shouting.  He picked up those who fell and offered encouragement.  His tenacity also played a major role in his conquering of Persia as well as the way he was perceived by others.  Due to Alexander’s perseverance and tenacity, he pushed on, even through times of famine, drought, or plague.  Nothing could stop him.  Enemies were even struck with fear at the rapid advance of Alexander’s army.  Alexander’s greatness can also be seen in the way he was perceived by others as well as the impression he left on much of the Middle East.  During his conquest, Alexander established numerous cities all named after him, many of which survive to this day.  These cities were and are still vital to the economies and trades of the areas in which they are located.  In this way, Alexander has marked his greatness on the world by creating cities.  Darius, despite the fact that he was waging a war against Alexander even praised Alexander on his deathbed and wished him luck in conquering Persia and becoming a world superpower as he had once been.  He additionally thanks Alexander for his kindness towards his own children and wife, even though they are prisoners of war
Lastly, Alexander’s personal strength attributes to his greatness.  He never gives up and is strong-willed.  He endures over twenty injuries over his lifetime, yet he never decides to stop advancing his empire.  He is pierced in the abdomen and his lungs are punctured; yet, he evades death and returns to his commanding position in the Greek army. 

            Though he can be seen as a great and influential leader, Alexander the Great had many traits that I see as despicable.  One such action he commits is the burning of Persepolis.  His trait of revenge takes advantage of him, and he commits many atrocities towards the Persians in retribution for the pain and suffering they caused many of the Greeks.  Another despicable deed committed by Alexander is that he massacres an entire Persian village to avenge the destruction of a Greek city that was destroyed by the Persians.  Even though the members of the Persian village are holding an olive branch, Alexander brutally and ruthlessly kills every one of them.  Lastly, Alexander was a violent man, who took actions that many perceive to be unthinkable.  He kills a man, Cleutis, who had saved his life years earlier because of an offensive statement.  Though Alexander can be seen as a violent man who had no regard for human life, it is safe to say the Alexander the Great deserves his title as one of the “Greatest” leaders of all time. 

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