Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How Would you Save the Han Dynasty?

The main factors that contributed to the fall of the Han Dynasty were

  • Revolts due to the problem of land distribution
  • Factions at court paralyzed the central government 
  • Bureaucratic corruption
  • Foreign attacks 
  • War and the high taxes that followed
  • Population growth
To fix the problems of the Han Dynasty, I would...
  • Prevent NEW land distribution.  I would instead expand the empire and distribute land that was newly conquered.  Instead of brutally, I would lead China in a peaceful way.  Distributing land equally over the empire would prevent the attacks from the outside...so that no area of China would be totally uninhabited. 
  • I would create bureau that would reinstate the power in the country and prevent subordinate kingdoms from fighting with each other
  • I would create a group of advisors who would voice the opinions of the people of the towns they represented.  This would make everyone satisfied.  
  • I would build a powerful army that would prevent foreign invasions from crumbling the empire and to strike down rebellions. 
  • Would make subordinate kingdoms weak,  by controlling natural resources.  
  • Introduce Confucian and Daoist beliefs and education.  
  • Increase economic trade and appeasement 

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